Tears, sweat and blood...haha, A ROLLER COASTER ride through them all :)
I miss them. I miss the times we did super crazy things, I miss all the laughter and cries too...we have all cried for and with each other. I even miss the time we hated each other! Even more when we make up and love each other more. God, I'm sounding so lesbian! Hahahaha!!! One by one these gorgeous ladies are leaving singlehood and entering married life. For the few of us HOT (self-acclaimed) single ladies, we are bunch of hopefuls who cry during any sappy romantic scenes and dream of our prince charming...ngehehehehe...Since I have never written anything about them, here's to them!
Adibah Latip
Jawa! Hahahaha!!! She was my room mate during our final year in IPTI. We both skipped assembly, hid our shoes, locked the door, switched off the fan and slept quietly together. We both loved singing, we were the dynamic duo who took the mic into our hands and marvelled others (ceh, konon!!!) She is one of my closest BFFs in IPTI. We've sung, laughed and cried together. We went through success and disappointments together. I really miss her :) Happy that you're happy now and always praying for your eternal happiness with your InsyaAllah mr. Right:) Suke statement kamu on my fb...
Diyana Sumardi
Our Bettyboop! Huhu...she's a self-acclaimed love doctor (kononnye :P) haha. She's very in touch with her emotions. She cries for the weirdest reasons and she declared war with noe once before - gara-gara chendol! apa ra korg! Alhamdulillah in the end they made up and became closer than ever :) She's so secretive with her new-found love I'm so frustrated I couldn't dig more from her. Whatever it is, I've already booked her as my MC for my wedding.
Nursyahida & Baiti
Noe is hot but crazy...haha! Baiti is our BEYONCE! Can you imagine, once she got a spanking from some unidentified random guy at Bazaar Ramadhan! Pervert, in the Holy month, what idiot. Anyway, these two stick together through everything and anything and it's really hilarious when they fight because they do get physical! HAHAHAHA...i will not go on with the details, but please hold your negative impression. Baiti is very nice, and she's a daughter of an ustaz. Nonetheless, she's still fashionable! Obviously I'm promoting her...so guys do not wait any longer! Jgn marah, ti... :P
Intan Syuhada
The most pious among us. She's a goody and she makes us feel guilty for her religious ways which is obviously unlike our craziness. She still knows how to fun though! Have I mentioned how crazy she is about anything Korean?
Rohaida & Nurul
These 2 are roomates in IPTI, they were also our neighbour. The latter, a.k.a Kak Ida
is a year older than us, hence the Kak. A year older but not the least noticeable, for her petite size. Nurul was a sweety pie! She's so gentle and dainty, and so good in art. Both these room mates have saved the date for their wedding this year! C.O.N.G.R.A.T.U.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.
Fuziah & Nadiah
I'll always be thankful to them, because they accompanied me to clinic and hospital when I had appendicitis. We used to hang out more back during foundation and both of them could shop till they literally drop! Puji is married and pregnant and Nad is already pursuing her masters while teaching at Taylor's. Way to go peeps!
Aira Subri
We used to be very close in the beginning but later we grew apart. There were no issues and we still maintain good relationship until now. She's getting married this June to her fiance who is also our course mate, Fattah.
She's one of my besties too! Almost forgot about her, haven't called her this year. Will do! Let's just say we have a Meredith Grey-Christina Yang kindda relationship :) If I kill someone, she'll be the one who'll help me bury the dead body - enough said!
You guys have seen me in my worst days, I never wanna go there again. I wanna thank all of you for the times you made me happy and even more for what you have taught me through the years - about differences, about friendship, sacrifices, tolerance, patience and how to crack silly jokes and let lose. You've helped put humility and humbleness in me. With you guys, I have eaten a lot and watched tonnes of movies in which we all cried buckets and laughed barrels, perhaps :)