Pics source: Google images
Somehow I couldn’t run away from the topic of fathers after watching two movies about fathers’ sacrifice and reading this book, written by a son, husband, father, dreamer, academician and educator who was also terminally ill due to pancreatic cancer. This self-help, motivational book was written by a man who knew that the end was coming, in fact quite near, with just a few months left to live. The Last Lecture was written as a tribute to loved-ones and a reminder to all about how to deal with life’s challenges and most importantly how to live, whether or not you know when you’re going to die. The narrator was given the opportunity to give his Last Lecture and by doing so he hoped to give some of his insights about life to the students and send the message to his children after his passing, as at that moment they were too young to understand what he’s saying. His topic was simple, something we are all familiar with: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams. So, he had this lecture videotaped so when his children are grown ups, they could watch his last lecture and get to know their father better. My personal opinion about the book is nothing short of admiration towards the narrator’s attitude on life. This was a man, who was definitely smart, having everything to fulfil a man’s life; a career, a family and stable finances, but just a spot of bother at a young age. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and you and I both know that often times, people with pancreatic cancer do not make it. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, Randy was determined to live longer and it was for the selfless reason to be able to live for his wife and children. He was a fighter, not for himself, but for the sole reason of being around as long as he could to make his loved-ones’ lives easier after he left them. That’s a father right there. This time, I was better prepared as a reader. I wanted to actively participate with this book and my way of interacting was having a pencil with me and underlining the lines that were poignant that gave me light bulb moments, that made my eyes teary and also the ones that made me smile. I also did that to share with you his clever words, as well as my thoughts on them which I put in italics. Here goes:
• We cannot change the cards we are dealt with, just how we play the hand – Yes, fate certainly is beyond our control but we can choose how to deal with it and what we make out of it. Try to make the best of everything. I’m still working on that. HUHU.
• Never make a decision until you have to – There’s no rush in life, think it over and pray for guidance.
• Just because you’re in the driver’s seat…doesn’t mean you have to run people over – Often times, people abuse power because they hold the key. It’s about respect and being fair when you’re working or in any kind of relationship.
• When you see yourself doing something badly and nobody’s bothering to tell anymore, that’s a bad place to be. You may not want to hear it, but your critics are often the ones telling you they still love you and care about you, and want to make you better – We’re all not perfect that’s why we need people who have our best interest at heart to help us improve. So, listen well…
• The brick walls are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something – Simply said, you want it? Go get it!
• Look, I’m going to find a way to be happy, and I’d really love to be happy with you, but if I can’t be happy with you, then I’ll find a way to be happy without you – This was his reply to his then love interest when she rejected him once. He fought and won, and they got married. Now, that’s the spirit!
• My parents had raised me to recognize that automobiles are there to get you from point A to point B. They are utilitarian devices, not expressions of social status – SPOT ON!!!
• Earnestness is highly underestimated. It comes from the core, while hip is trying to impress you with the surface – AGAIN, SPOT ON!
• Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won’t make us happier – Guilty of this in many occasions…I really should stop complaining and start being grateful :)
• When it comes to men who are romantically interested in you, it’s really simple. Just ignore everything they say and pay attention to what they do – Now, here’s an excellent one. GIRLS, REMEMBER THIS! And guys, it’s time to man up! It’s what you do that proves your love, not what you say…Hmm…let’s ponder…
There are many more I wish to share with you but the limited energy to pick them out from the novel and type them here has forced me to stop…In a nutshell, the message the author was trying to point out was the importance of living your life. Really embracing it and never ignoring the child in you. The time when you truly lived. That explains the pictures I uploaded. We all loved our childhood very much, didn’t we? We played, and made believe and lived a life free from worries. What were your childhood dreams? Have you fulfilled them? It’s about time you revisit your life over the years and how much have you lived?
My Childhood Dreams
1.Be on TV – checked! My friends saw the video clip, but I didn’t. It was from Flop Poppy, Dari Studio 1…haha, I didn’t watch because I was too embarrassed to see myself on TV
2.Perform on stage – checked!
3.Visit London – checked!
4.Euro trip – not fulfilled yet
5.Go on a roller-coaster ride – checked!
6.Go to Disney Land – not fulfilled yet
7.Become a doctor – not gonna happen
8.Get married to the love of my life! – haha, not yet…kot...
9.Play a musical instrument… - not fulfilled yet
10.Act on stage – checked!
11.Become a mom, kindda like my mom who juggled work & family well - not fulfilled yet
I could only think of 11…maybe I’ve missed out a few, as I was busy growing up I may have forgotten what I’ve always wanted as a kid.
P/S: I think I was so cute then, if you don’t share the same opinion it’s ok…I’m just saying! And someone said I take after my mom…I take that as a compliment because my mama was gorgeous!!! No kidding…my dad scored BIG TIME!
This morning I woke up and I remember one more thing. I used to go crazy over KRU in primary school and all I wanted was to see them live. It took a few years, but finally in form 2 I went to their concert - The Way We Jam (it was ok).All thanks to free tickets from Chik who worked with PWTC back then! Haha, we left the auditorium and waited for my cousin to arrive guess who I saw? I'll leave that question unanswered here while I smile alone here as I'm typing this. Toodles!
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