I didn't know how but the news spread that morning even before assembly began. Even the head warden was shocked when other teachers started asking. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE CONFIDENTIAL. Who leaked the story? We discussed and we had a few suspects. DAMN! Yes, we're very disappointed with what had happened, we were upset with the students' foolish actions and saddened by this whole episode. We are the adults, so in situation like this we are supposed to guide them, or else they would forever be lost. Scolding and yelling do not help at this point. It's done and it can't be undone. So, moving on is the only solution. Moving on, as we all know, is definitely the hardest especially when one does not have a support system. It's even worse when the whole world detests you, whispers and stares at you, labels you and seem to have a lot of fun doing all of the above without any regard to your feelings and emotions.
Back to the story. That morning, not long after the assembly we were told by the head warden that other teachers already knew. My house mate alerted the female warden but instead of giving a shocked response, she nonchalantly said, "Hmm...memang patut pun semua orang tahu,". My friend thought, that's it! She was even more infuriated when she got in the staffroom and the teachers were having a wonderful time gossiping about the whole thing. Some started saying, "Muka aje baik, tapi tak sangka...", the other replied, "Patut la tak ingat muka, dah takde cahaya sebab banyak dosa..." and another went scouring for last year's school magazine to parade the picture of the girl.
FYI, that morning we alerted the school disciplinary board to tell them that both the students' prefect certificates should be taken back and they will not be given credit as prefects. As we all know, you are awarded high points for that post. Anyways, it was meant to be done without the knowledge of others as a form of punishment to both of them since they are prefects. Yes, it's such a shameful act, but there is no need for defamation. But somebody had such loud voice, loud enough to spread the story and another was simply too busy body to tell from one ear to another and finally this story became a hot and spicy news with LOTS of extra flavours added.
What happened to the two of them? The boy seemed cool, he attended school and was happy enough to walk around the school as if it was not his fault. In fact, when interrogated he claimed that the girl had asked him to meet up the other day and initiated it. WTF??? And you were too weak, huh? The boy aside, the girl on the other hand locked herself in the hostel. She only went to the principal's office and later sneaked into the hostel because she could no longer face the world, especially the teachers and peers. I didn't know this as I was too busy on the last day of school. The head warden only told me to be ready just in case the principal called me. But he didn't, and I also didn't go to his office. I WAS EXTREMELY BUSY.
At about noon, we were told that both students were ordered to pack their stuffs and they could no longer come to school in prefect uniforms when they go to school during SPM. Just ordinary school uniforms and they will not be allowed to stay in all through SPM.
I really wanted to see the girl, at least give her some hope before she went back. I'm so sorry that everybody knew. I was even more sympathetic because she will be sitting for SPM soon. She's still a nice girl to me, just naive and desperate for love. It was a HUGE mistake.
On the last day of school I got a chance to talk to her. I comforted her and asked what her parents' decisions were. She said her mother would not speak to her. She was mostly quiet, after she asked in detail about their relationship. She didn't even reveal the whole thing to her father as he is very fierce and he might beat the boy up to pieces. As for the boy, I don't know. So far it seems that his parents live in Terengganu, and he's in Pahang with his grandpa. They still haven't come down to meet the girl's parents, which they actually should, but perhaps it's still being discussed. I hope they come to their senses and do the right thing.
When the girl was at our house she told me that she'd performed solat taubat just like I told her to. She couldn't stand being at home because her sisters knew and she was really ashamed of herself. She knows she's wrong. That night, she spent the entire night at the mosque. She prayed for mercy and to be pardoned from her sins. It's between her and Allah, we have no say. I told her and I will support her through and through. She could come stay at our place during the gaps between papers. I told her that I would help her study. I am very lucky to have a house mate, who's also a fellow warden, who thought the same as me. We gave her some advice, but most importantly we told her to be strong and strive for the best for SPM. Prove to everyone that they were wrong about her. We just wanted her future to be bright. I hope what I've done is not misunderstood as protecting the wrong. I just want to give her a stroke of hope despite the negativity and hatred around her. It's unbelievable what these people were saying about her, I could only imagine what she's going through.
As for the other teachers: Please stop all the talking. You have children too, who will grow up and someday be away from your protective eyes. So what you say to others today may be eating you someday. You'll never know. She's not the only one who's made that mistake, many have, I'm sure...but she was unfortunate because she was caught. Perhaps her getting caught was the only way for her to free herself from his clutches. He has beaten her and threatened her before. I still believe she is a nice person but she did a grave mistake of being too trusting of someone who obviously never deserved her love. She loved too much and that has backfired on her, even destroyed her. She could only repent, start anew, do well in academics and secure herself with brighter future ahead. InsyaAllah...
I found this and copied it from http://quranicverse99.tripod.com/islamicways/id4.html
I hope it's something good to share
The Mercy of Allah in Regard to Forgiveness
"O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and put your hope in Me, I have forgiven you for what you have done and I do not mind. O son of Adam, if your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky and then you would seek My forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, if you were to come to Me with sins that are close to filling the earth and then you would meet Me without ascribing any partners with Me, I would certainly bring to you forgiveness close to filling it."
In this Hadithi Qudsi, Allah gives hope to mankind more than any other narration. It displays the quality and attribute of Allahs mercy. Indeed, He is ar-Rahman, the Most Compassionate, and ar-Raheem, the Most Merciful. In this Hadithi Qudsi, Allah tells man of the greatness of His forgiveness and mercy so that no one would despair due to the amount of sins he may have committed. This is supported by the following verse of the Holy Quran:
Say: O My servants who have transgressed against their own souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah az-Zumar 39:53)
This hadith teaches us the importance of realizing Allahs mercy, having faith and hope in Him especially when making dua, calling to Allah alone for forgiveness, and the importance of repentance in the life and faith of a believer.
As teacher, I hope and pray that this bleak episode will be a good way for her to turn over a new leaf and start anew. I believe she can because I know Allah will not test his servants with obstacles and challenges which they couldn't bear. Therefore, I hope and pray that she will emerge as a stronger person after this misfortune. Don't ever repeat this again.
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