I am freaking out because the ticker shows we only have LESS THAN 50 days to our Big Day. Indeed I am happy because I can't wait for our nuptials *winkwink* So far, I've covered the basics, only the little details need to be completed and reviewed! I.am.NERVOUS....
Date/Day: 3rd Feb 2012
Venue: Home sweet Home
- Pendaftaran : half way done
- Outfit him & her : done!
- Make up : done! deposit paid!
- Pelamin : discussed with vendor - need follow up
- Caterer : mama & bapak shall decide
- Door gifts - belum finalise
- P.A System : will borrow Pak Njang's
- Room decor : on, no!!! belum fikir lagi!!! hehe - but room is painted, new lights will be installed, bed sheet dah ada...just a bit here & there
- Hantaran - everything bought
- flowers - NEED TO ORDER before going back to school
- Photographer : booked
- Videographer : booked and paid half (courtesy of Mama)
- Hand bouquet : Kak Ija will settle
Date/Day: 4th Feb 2012
Venue: Singgahsana, PJ
- Venue : confirmed and deposit paid. Meeting & food tasting to follow
- Pelamin : will use what hotel had provided
- Outfit: half done - need to get TUDUNG, VEIL and his outfit
- Photographer : booked
- Slide presentation : working on it
- Songs : 80% done
- Photo booth : NEED HELP!!! Don't know how to do backdrop, need to discuss with Singgahsana
- Wedding favours : in progress
- Emcee : booked
- Bridesmaid : Booked Dilla Karim! ;)
- Best man : still searching
- Flower girls : need follow up - the usual girls!!!
- Invitation Card : paid half, IN PROGRESS
- Make up : booked, paid half
- Hand bouquet : Kak Ija will settle
- Bunga manggar : Pls check this with hotel, jgn jd mcm along last time
* This checklist shows just how much more I need to do, which is SGT BANYAK!!! Freaking out!!!!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
This may come in handy...
Ever since I started being in a relationship, I've thought of writing a piece on how I finally knew and found LOVE, well I must admit that I am still learning. My quest in finding Love started pretty early. Actually I was never looking for one but as I could remember that was probably the first time ever I understood what falling for someone really meant. So, I thought
Going wayyyyyy back when...Falling for a best friend.
I was only 14 and I had this guy friend who was always around telling me about everything that went on with his life, so naturally I did the same and we just connected. He's nice, down to earth, good looking, smart and wallah! Isn't that what every girl looks for in a man? So when he told me he had fallen for one of my best friends, I chocked for a moment. I felt a pang of jealousy rushed through me but I tried so hard to hide it, I was worried he might notice. HAHAHA - silly me! That little crush lasted a very long time before I could understand the first lesson in LOVE and LIFE: Learning to differentiate between LOVE and just being NICE. A person who loves you would not wait for 10 years to do something about it - you know what I mean. A person who loves you, will make time no matter how busy he or she may be, even just for 10 minutes talking to you after a long day at work. It's exactly like He's Just Not That Into You - if a man likes you he would call.
I also learnt about LOVE & LIFE the hard way. As girls, we grew up fed with fairy tales and happily ever after and prince charming...but what they didn't tell you - LOVE can be painful. Well it's not supposed to be if it began with the right purpose and followed by sincerity and executed the right way. I learnt to taste disappointment at its core I suppose. Well, in short I met a guy whom I thought at the time had the right package, though lacking something, but still was worthy of my love. However, what I got in returned after lots of drama was nothing short of the feeling of humiliation, bitterness, devastation - which were VERY UNHEALTHY! So I stopped and thought long and hard. What was wrong with me? And then I realised, I was overlooking the most important thing in one's life - One's RELIGION. My ex was not a Muslim and there so many outside pressures. Soon it just became too messy and he started changing. To cut it short, we broke up and he hooked up with one of my close friends. This may be subjective to many, but to me, my religion was the only thing that saved me from hitting rock bottom. From there I learnt to look back at myself and 'repaired' myself from the emotional damages. That was the saddest part of my life I wish never to revisit. However, I must say I learnt a lot from that experience. A guy who loves you would do their best for you instead of making you do things for them. A guy who loves you will not take you for granted and mistreat you. I took a long break from relationships as I learnt to know myself better and slowly I tried to become a better person in whatever ways I could. It is quite surprising actually how much YOU LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF when heartaches happen. I'm not here to dish about all the wrong things that guys have done to me, instead it's more about how I learn what love means from the experience I went through. None of these guys are bad people, but they just weren't right for me, and I wasn't right for them too!
Meeting MR RIGHT
Mr RIGHT is NOT Mr Perfect. Mr RIGHT doesn't drive a great car - I still love your B(l)M sayang! Mr RIGHT was just his humble and simple self, with a sense of humour and a wonderful heart. He doesn't surprise me with flowers but he meets my parents before bringing me out. He doesn't buy me handbags but never fails to cheer me up when I'm down. He doesn't promise me wealth but sincerely gives his heart to me. He doesn't tell me what to do, he only wish for me to be a good Muslim who abides Allah & Rasul. As for now, I am convinced with the love he's shown and I believe he will be a good husband and InsyaAllah father. We both are not perfect people, still learning, still making mistakes and learning some more. It is the first time for me dating someone older actually, and I believe my mother was right when she advised us to marry an older man. However, the age gap is not that big - only 4 years. Naturally he's more matured than me (Alhamdulillah for that), because of that too I have faith that I can rely on him. Ultimately, as I am a Muslim, it all comes back to jodoh. You know what they say, "Kalau dah jodoh, tak ke mana..." (walaupun jumpa dlm FB je!)...hehehe...good luck to us, may we become a strong, happy and blessed married couple InsyaAllah! I am sooooo looking forward to this - MARRIED LIFE :)
I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to: http://html.expresso.me/smileys

Going wayyyyyy back when...Falling for a best friend.
I was only 14 and I had this guy friend who was always around telling me about everything that went on with his life, so naturally I did the same and we just connected. He's nice, down to earth, good looking, smart and wallah! Isn't that what every girl looks for in a man? So when he told me he had fallen for one of my best friends, I chocked for a moment. I felt a pang of jealousy rushed through me but I tried so hard to hide it, I was worried he might notice. HAHAHA - silly me! That little crush lasted a very long time before I could understand the first lesson in LOVE and LIFE: Learning to differentiate between LOVE and just being NICE. A person who loves you would not wait for 10 years to do something about it - you know what I mean. A person who loves you, will make time no matter how busy he or she may be, even just for 10 minutes talking to you after a long day at work. It's exactly like He's Just Not That Into You - if a man likes you he would call.
I also learnt about LOVE & LIFE the hard way. As girls, we grew up fed with fairy tales and happily ever after and prince charming...but what they didn't tell you - LOVE can be painful. Well it's not supposed to be if it began with the right purpose and followed by sincerity and executed the right way. I learnt to taste disappointment at its core I suppose. Well, in short I met a guy whom I thought at the time had the right package, though lacking something, but still was worthy of my love. However, what I got in returned after lots of drama was nothing short of the feeling of humiliation, bitterness, devastation - which were VERY UNHEALTHY! So I stopped and thought long and hard. What was wrong with me? And then I realised, I was overlooking the most important thing in one's life - One's RELIGION. My ex was not a Muslim and there so many outside pressures. Soon it just became too messy and he started changing. To cut it short, we broke up and he hooked up with one of my close friends. This may be subjective to many, but to me, my religion was the only thing that saved me from hitting rock bottom. From there I learnt to look back at myself and 'repaired' myself from the emotional damages. That was the saddest part of my life I wish never to revisit. However, I must say I learnt a lot from that experience. A guy who loves you would do their best for you instead of making you do things for them. A guy who loves you will not take you for granted and mistreat you. I took a long break from relationships as I learnt to know myself better and slowly I tried to become a better person in whatever ways I could. It is quite surprising actually how much YOU LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF when heartaches happen. I'm not here to dish about all the wrong things that guys have done to me, instead it's more about how I learn what love means from the experience I went through. None of these guys are bad people, but they just weren't right for me, and I wasn't right for them too!
Meeting MR RIGHT
Mr RIGHT is NOT Mr Perfect. Mr RIGHT doesn't drive a great car - I still love your B(l)M sayang! Mr RIGHT was just his humble and simple self, with a sense of humour and a wonderful heart. He doesn't surprise me with flowers but he meets my parents before bringing me out. He doesn't buy me handbags but never fails to cheer me up when I'm down. He doesn't promise me wealth but sincerely gives his heart to me. He doesn't tell me what to do, he only wish for me to be a good Muslim who abides Allah & Rasul. As for now, I am convinced with the love he's shown and I believe he will be a good husband and InsyaAllah father. We both are not perfect people, still learning, still making mistakes and learning some more. It is the first time for me dating someone older actually, and I believe my mother was right when she advised us to marry an older man. However, the age gap is not that big - only 4 years. Naturally he's more matured than me (Alhamdulillah for that), because of that too I have faith that I can rely on him. Ultimately, as I am a Muslim, it all comes back to jodoh. You know what they say, "Kalau dah jodoh, tak ke mana..." (walaupun jumpa dlm FB je!)...hehehe...good luck to us, may we become a strong, happy and blessed married couple InsyaAllah! I am sooooo looking forward to this - MARRIED LIFE :)
I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to: http://html.expresso.me/smileys
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
After months
Greetings earthlings! Many things have happened both in my personal life and teaching profession. From exams to students running away from hostel, HARI RAYA with family and of course fiance for the first time in my life, cat fight dramas to more weddings and engagements and finally my own preparation to our BIG DAY! :)
Fasting & Feasting
The beginning of August this year also happened to be the beginning of Ramadhan. It was my first experience fasting with Mr fiance (we totally skipped fasting and raya as a couple, and jumped straight to engaged couple). It was a great experience going for Tarawih prayers with him, his mother and sister, breaking fast at each others' houses and even breaking fast outside with friends. What an awesome feeling to see him all blushed when asked about when our big day will be. For the first time I saw sincerity straight from a man's eyes and smile. I know this is right :)
Raya as always is an auspicious celebration filled with LOTS of food, family, friends and laughter. Let the pictures do the talking, yea!
Hunt for Hantaran Items
So far we've bought a few items as there were many special offers and discounts during the festive season. Both of us haven't decided the fixed amount of trays as when we counted, it looks like there will be some additional items...so this is still in progress :)
A kid ran away...a silly 15 year old thought that she's so smart and decided to ran away and literally put us in hot soup! Even thinking about her makes me mad, so in the spirit of positive vibes I'm gonna skip this awful story.
Sabariah's Wedding & Fadilla's Engagement
More stories about matrimony and betrothal, hurrah!!! So happy for them both. Unfortunately I didn't bring my own camera to Sab's wedding so there are no pictures from her BIG DAY. Thank God I brought one during Fad's Eday ;) so you can enjoy the whole occasion in the pictures! *heart*
More Bonding with His Family
The past few months have brought us even closer and I've bonded even more with his family. A few weeks back his sister treated the whole family for dinner at Italiannies. Before we went to Gardens, we gathered at his sister's place in Alam Damai, Cheras which happens to be near Abg Boy's house. We had a hearty dinner and I simple adore his nieces :) They are super duper cute;) Last week after receiving his first salary since he started in Perodua he bought satay for his family. I felt so happy for him. That night, his nieces played with me and even though I felt tired as prior to that we went out and the traffic that day was so awful...(kesian driver, stress je)but at the end of it I was very happy, grateful, thankful and feel so blessed.
Kerja Kahwin
So far Alhamdulillah...We already bought the diamond for my wedding ring, just waiting for the right time to buy the casing. It is just a simple and modest diamond ring. He went to a wedding fair in Ampang Point about 3 weeks back and made bookings with the vendor for our wedding card. It was quite a good deal he got! There was another wedding fair last week at Wangsa Walk. There we found quite a good offer for nikah bridal dais, bride & groom outfit and 1 make up session for...RM2100!!! I would say that's a fair price as often times even renting an outfit would cost at least 800 and it could go up as high as 2500, ok! And...it's not for yours to keep...what a waste. Since I am only renting for groom's side reception, so I don't really mind.
3 Bestari students do me proud!!!!!!!!!! ALL THE BEST FOR PMR :)
SPM is coming soon......I'm so scared.....this is my first year teaching form 5 students, and their trial was not quite promising. Let's do the best we can in this limited time and do whatever we can to prepare for the battle!
Today I conducted a mock test for the speaking component. Yesterday I've already discussed issues pertaining to the situation that I was going to ask the next day. However, as anticipated, they were unprepared and also it looked like they can't even string utterances together decently. I only managed to squeeze in 2 groups. Honestly I was very disappointed with them. I've taught them, discussed issues with them, gave notes and do practices...but they still DON'T GET IT!!! What have I done wrong?
NEVERTHELESS, as a TEACHER, I cannot give up, I must pray for them, I must be patient and I must help them.
BUT, there is a big chance I will think of other options as honestly, after only 2 years I am quite worried if this is what I'll be doing for the rest of my life...hmm....
I've also applied for transfer but chances of getting it is very slim...so let's not get our hopes up too high!
I need a break, year end break how I yearn for you!!!!!!!
Friday, July 22, 2011
An Entry on ~OuR memorable engagement~
Fad called a few days ago and asked, How does being engaged feel like? And my response was, "I still can't believe it!!!"
09.07.2011 - Not only was this date memorable because of our engagement, but also because of the infamous Bersih rally that caused massive jams everywhere due to the roadblocks at almost every toll you could think of. Let's put aside political issues here, as I am only interested to discuss about our first step towards the happiest day of our lives as a couple. I got home 2 days before and the moment I set foot inside my house, millions of thoughts were running through my mind. The checklist was increasing every minute and I kept calming myself that everything will be fine, please Dear Allah. There were flowers to be bought and arranged, room to decorate, house to clean up and decorate and so many little things to buy. The most worrying part, would people turn up on time? That Saturday morning, with only 4 hours of sleep I crept out of bed and started with the Sirih Junjung arrangement. Hani was pulling her tak cukup tidur tantrum, forcing my mum to carry her around and thus making it difficult for my poor mother to start getting things done. Finally, she calmed down and mama could work. Pity mama...
I hurriedly went to the bathroom and showered before the arrival of my MUA. She was the same person who did kak anies' make up on her wedding, I thought she looked nice, so I figured I should just use her contacts. Hehe...malas nak fikir...
She was supposed to be here at 12.30 but as you know traffic was HELL so by the time she got here it was already almost 1. Entourage will be coming at 3, according to plan, but we expected some delay as you know what will cause the that delay. *sigh* I was all pretty and ready at 2.30. Really pleased with the end result, everything was just as I had imagined. So the wait began. At 1500 hours, they faced first obstacle at toll Kota Damansara, 30 minutes later they made it to subang toll but was stuck there as well. 1545, he texted me, "Dah nak sampai" and I yelled to the people outside, "Dah nak sampai!!!"...The nerves kicked in. This was it, the moment of truth. After all the heartache, the betrayal and false hope, finally a fresh new person. Only 5 months after our very first meeting, here we were, getting engaged. It was so surreal. I felt like it was only yesterday I had Faridah and Emelda over for tea and we had our girl talk on L.O.V.E. Everything was so quick, nonetheless it was beautiful. Every moment with Rafei feels great, everything about him is everything I had hoped for in a man I would call my husband. Without any doubt, he is THE ONE:)
They arrived with green and white hantaran made by Mak Uda, his aunt. I only saw a glimpse of my future MIL 'salam'ing the ladies. She's such a sweet lady. I sat quietly and patiently, whispering prayers of gratitude and hoping that this engagement was blessed by the Almighty. I was also praying for patience, happiness, more 'rezeki' and this engagement lasts until the very day we're pronounced as a lawful wedded couple, InsyaAllah...Ameen...
After the recitation of doa by the imam of the mosque nearby, I was called to the living room. There she was, my future MIL, all so sweet, waiting to place the ring on my finger. I felt this warm feeling of love despite the obvious nervousness. She initiated small talks before the ceremony and slowly took the ring we picked out 2 months ago and placed it nicely on my ring finger. I managed to utter 'Bismillahirahmanirahim'. That was quick, I thought. I kissed her hand and she hugged me. I saw tears in her loving eyes. "Was she crying?" It was beyond words, I was extremely touched. Grateful, that was how I felt. Happy is an understatement I suppose, everything was great. ALHAMDULILLAH.
Soon I was chatting with his sister and cousins, answering questions about how we met and more questions about myself. They were all very nice. Hehe, I was still waiting for him and soon I saw my fiance. Hehe, sudah upgrade sayang! He is my fiance - Rafei Darajat :) I L U :)) Here are some of the moments on that memorable day ;) Enjoy, peeps! Credit to Mr. Yon Bakar for the beautiful pics, love them all:))
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
It's Official
Date: 07.05.11
Day: Saturday
Venue: Home sweet home
The entourage came. His mom, aunts and uncles (2 couples) and another uncle. The E-day has been fixed, InsyaAllah everything will turn out fine...I'm excited, nervous, happy, grateful, apprehensive...no words could describe how I feel. Dear Allah, the Almighty, All Knowing, Most Merciful, please help us make this journey the best one with Your blessings. Amen.
Day: Saturday
Venue: Home sweet home
The entourage came. His mom, aunts and uncles (2 couples) and another uncle. The E-day has been fixed, InsyaAllah everything will turn out fine...I'm excited, nervous, happy, grateful, apprehensive...no words could describe how I feel. Dear Allah, the Almighty, All Knowing, Most Merciful, please help us make this journey the best one with Your blessings. Amen.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Bola tu bulat...
Whether or not you are Kaki Bangku or Kaki Bola...football is the one and only sport that makes the world go round. You can enjoy it over lepak sessions, you can enjoy it in the comfort of your own home or experience it yourself at the stadium or field where the match is being held! This posting is almost 2 weeks late, but I have to write about it because it caused me a good tan and sore throat! Maran MSSD Football tournament hosted by us took place about 2 weeks ago. It was such an exciting event that took the attention of not only the students in class, but also the teachers teaching in class. In the beginning, I wasn't part of the audience as I was more concerned with my lessons but later when I found out our school may have a shot at semi-finals, I can;t help but join in the fun as well. It was well worth it as our school defeated SMK Sri Jengka in the semis. The final match saw our school going up against SMV Pertanian Chenor which was just next to our school. So, their group of supporters came, complete with 'kompang' and what not, just to psych out our players. We brought supporters too, from students to teachers who were screaming OUT LOUD as we were all out supporting our school team. We tried and tried but scored none but unfortunately, one little mistake (which i thought didn't even look like a foul) had cost us a loss. Penalty was given to our opponent and the keeper almost saved it but it couldn't be helped. The bloody ball went it. Nonetheless, our players didn't stop fighting. Finally, the whistle was blown, marking the end of the final match which didn't favour our side. Win or lose, we had so much fun and it's such a great relief from the mundane routine in school. Good job boys, even though you all looked as black as the ebony, hehe, you were the school heroes!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The event that took more than half of my Saturday:(
Last week was a crazy week for me. I came back from Segamat on Wednesday and spent a night in Kuantan. On Thursday morning I was on my way back to Chenor and school went on as usual on Friday. That Saturday was our Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan and PIBG Meeting. It was supposed to be done the week before, 9 April, however because one particular VIP was not available on that day we had to postpone the event to 16 April. What a bummer! I could have gone home that Friday but because of this delay I could only go home on Saturday. Under normal circumstance I would just sleep over at any of the teacher's house for the weekend as the hostel students have gone back home. However now, I have different priorities, guilty as charged, personal life has taken centre stage in my life. Just one night in KL would seem tiring for me back then but now I cease every opportunity I have to meet my other half. When it's right, everything falls into place perfectly...I am digressing. Anyhow, crazy weekend is now over and I can't wait to finish this weekend and next week because I have a long weekend to look forward to...YEAY!!!
Monday, April 18, 2011
1st competition as a teacher
Every time I participated in debates I'd tell myself that was it, that would be the last time but then somehow I'd be 'lured' into entering because of my own inability to say NO. That's usually because after everything had ended I would usually tell myself that wasn't so bad. After all, although I made quite a fool of myself (LOL) I still went up and said what I had to say. I am getting to the point here. (LOL). From 11-13 April I participated in the Zone C Teacher's English Debate Competition in conjunction with this year's Teacher's Day celebration. This zone C level saw teachers from 4 states; Johore, Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan debating to be the zone champion to go to the next level in Sarawak. The motions for semi-final and final were already given prior to the competition and from 6-8 April the centralised training was held in Kuantan. The teachers in our team were Ms. Ana Shirin from SBPI Kuantan, an experienced debater, Ms. Michelle from SMK(P) Methodist Kuantan, a very senior debater, myself, the newbie, Puan Azura also a newbie from SK(P) Methodist Kuantan and Zach from Paloh Hinai our trainer and also debater himself.
In Kuantan we went through vigorous training led by Ms Chandra and Puan Faridah both from JPNP, Puan Faudziah our manager from Kuantan PPD, and Mdm Wong Tok Ee, Pahang state adjudicator and also an experienced teacher from SABS Kuantan. The training was held at SABS Kuantan, a renowned premier school in Pahang. Just looking at the surrounding and environment of the school it was without a doubt the school is deemed as one of the best in Kuantan. I was especially impressed with their choir team. Their practice sessions gave me chills and I could only dream upon a dream to have a choir team like that. I also saw their choral speaking practice and I saw the students conducting their uniform bodies meeting. It's like a dream school. Ok, back to the debate. We made our way to Segamat, where the competition was held, on Monday 11 April. The journey took us about 3 hours and we were seriously nervous. It's been a long time since I last debated so I have lost touch and almost forgotten how to do it. I was shocked to be chosen as a speaking member and given the responsibility as the first speaker. Oh that was scary. Luck was not quite on our side that Tuesday morning as we had picked Opposition for the motion. Well, it was after all fated and we lost, but did all we could despite the mistakes. Most importantly we learn from those mistakes. Anyhow, we enjoyed ourselves on the final day as there's no more headache for the final round. We're glad to get it over and done with. Thanks to everyone involved, you people have helped me A LOT in various ways. Thanks also to Encik Rafei for the endless support and encouragement. Thanks also to his nieces and nephews who joined in our routine skype sessions and managed to cheer me up during such a stressful perios. Here are some low quality pictures I managed to snap. Now back to work and responsibilities...
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Hi! I haven't been updating this blog for quite some time simply because life has been quite overwhelmingly busy. Not forgetting my commitment to someone - not that I'm dreading it in any way ;) I truly am happy :) Anyways, back to my busy life, I've been attending a few Girl Guiding activities. Now I am considered a teacher who is 'licensed' to give badges to students. Huhu! I also have been busy with marking as prior to the holidays we had our First Term Test. After that we've been checking the answers and going through the exam papers. Pretty much going over the same mistakes they do over, and over again. After all those craziness I still continue finishing some unmarked books. It's so hot these days and my skin begins to peel bit by bit - it's lost a lot of moisture due to the UV rays. I digressed, Hehe...
Something interesting to look forward to though. I'll be away from school for a teacher's debate competition that will take place in Segamat in about two weeks from now. OMG...I'm so lazy to do all the studying but considering how bored I've been doing the same thing every day, this could be a good change of routine. I am apprehensive about the amount of stress due to this debate. I believe I'm not much of a debater. I AM NERVOUS.
Let's just see how it goes, and yes at the same time we're doing some studying and hunting on houses. Hope we find the right one. Ameen...
*Downside - I'll be missing GG State Level Camping in Raub... :( Looking forward to that...seriously!!!
Something interesting to look forward to though. I'll be away from school for a teacher's debate competition that will take place in Segamat in about two weeks from now. OMG...I'm so lazy to do all the studying but considering how bored I've been doing the same thing every day, this could be a good change of routine. I am apprehensive about the amount of stress due to this debate. I believe I'm not much of a debater. I AM NERVOUS.
Let's just see how it goes, and yes at the same time we're doing some studying and hunting on houses. Hope we find the right one. Ameen...
*Downside - I'll be missing GG State Level Camping in Raub... :( Looking forward to that...seriously!!!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I hate this...
School holidays is ending and I'm still struggling to finish marking. The most boring part of a teacher's life. Oh God...I am soooo sleeepppyyyyyyyyy..........
Thursday, March 10, 2011
CUTI!!! :)))
Looking forward to the coming first term school holidays starting Saturday, 12 March 2011 to Sunday, 20 March 2011...the down side, there will be a lot of marking to be done but some of the things I hope to do during this break is catch up with girl friends and......hehehe... :) come tomorrow I'll be smiling from cheek to cheek. Happy Holidays everyone! Yippie!!!
The reason
I don't like people questioning the decision I have made. Yes people, I don't know how it happened but it did in a very short span of time. There's something I know that you don't know. It is called instincts, and what matters most is it is my instincts. I seek help and guidance in my prayers to Him and perhaps He answers them by giving me this inner voice and guidance to make judgments based on everything I've experienced and the way the so-called candidates have been treating me. Who showed effort in getting to know me, who showed concern in the happenings in my life and the most important factor: who showed sincerity in his intention of befriending me, apart from of course with whom I am compatible with and share some kind of chemistry when communicating. Yes, the decision to get married is a huge deal, but based on the factors I've considered and the voice inside my heart I believe my decision is final, InsyaAllah, and I am happy with it. That is all I have to say, thank you. Period.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
When LOVE is a verb
When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you. No excuses, no lies, and no broken promises.
Thank you for making time :)
When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you. No excuses, no lies, and no broken promises.
Thank you for making time :)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Of Exams and other things
It's already March! How time flies...hopefully it flies fast enough so it'll be Raya soon and then 2012, and then March of 2012...ngehehehe....
Right now all the students here are taking their first term test. We're just done with Sports Day and we only have until May for extra co-curricular activities before we proceed with exam classes programmes for both PMR and SPM. Alhamdulillah all my hard work and craziness that almost cost me my sanity (hyperbole) has paid off. So all that shall proceed to the 'fund for future events'. To those reading, I'm sorry, but I can't hide my excitement because I have wanted this for so long and having found the right man is just like a cherry on top of this scrumptious sundae...yummy...if life is seen as good as a sundae that is. As for now, it's better than all that put together! :)
Right now all the students here are taking their first term test. We're just done with Sports Day and we only have until May for extra co-curricular activities before we proceed with exam classes programmes for both PMR and SPM. Alhamdulillah all my hard work and craziness that almost cost me my sanity (hyperbole) has paid off. So all that shall proceed to the 'fund for future events'. To those reading, I'm sorry, but I can't hide my excitement because I have wanted this for so long and having found the right man is just like a cherry on top of this scrumptious sundae...yummy...if life is seen as good as a sundae that is. As for now, it's better than all that put together! :)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
U happened :) Alhamdulillah
I know many would be saying that this blog is sounding less and less about school and more and more about my latest development personal life wise. Oh, well...there's more to life than work, in my case school. This is my current happiness and InysaAllah my eternal happiness and it is after all, my blog...so I'll say what I want :) It's only been a month knowing him but ever since from the beginning it felt like I've known him a long time. There were many times my heart whispered, OMG where have this guy been? He's everything I ever wished for in a man. After meeting quite a number of disappointments in life - guys in particular, this seemed almost too good to be true. At first I thought of giving it a bit of time but I suppose the matters of heart can't be delayed and it decides for you how to run its course...so I've taken a new approach instead - embrace it :)
Today was meet his family session (GLUPP!!!)
I was warmly greeted by his aunt and uncle, after that his mom came out from the kitchen and her warm smile reminded me of my aunt. It's a good sign, I told myself. She took my hand and I salam her. She's just done preparing chicken rice. Then, out came his sisters who were both very nice. His nephews and brother-in-law were also there at the living room. It was a large crowd for a first meeting I would say, but I was calm the whole time. I was nervous but their warmth easily eased my nerves. Soon his eldest sister arrived with her oh-so-cute and beautiful children. We had lunch together and talked more. There were all very nice and I had this warm fuzzy feeling inside, the kind that makes me happy and safe. It's the same feeling like the first time we went out. Happy in a non-teenage dream happy way...it was happy and safe. It's again all good :)
Finally I found someone who walks the talk! Who says something and does just that, no complications, no dilly dally...straight to the point! :)))
Oh yea, his aunt question left me speechless for a bit just now. How did you guys met? Hmmm....Facebook...So technology plays an important role...(It sure did, and definitely still does)
To my Parachute: You ROCK!!!!!! And I'm your human angel :)
Today was meet his family session (GLUPP!!!)
I was warmly greeted by his aunt and uncle, after that his mom came out from the kitchen and her warm smile reminded me of my aunt. It's a good sign, I told myself. She took my hand and I salam her. She's just done preparing chicken rice. Then, out came his sisters who were both very nice. His nephews and brother-in-law were also there at the living room. It was a large crowd for a first meeting I would say, but I was calm the whole time. I was nervous but their warmth easily eased my nerves. Soon his eldest sister arrived with her oh-so-cute and beautiful children. We had lunch together and talked more. There were all very nice and I had this warm fuzzy feeling inside, the kind that makes me happy and safe. It's the same feeling like the first time we went out. Happy in a non-teenage dream happy way...it was happy and safe. It's again all good :)
Finally I found someone who walks the talk! Who says something and does just that, no complications, no dilly dally...straight to the point! :)))
Oh yea, his aunt question left me speechless for a bit just now. How did you guys met? Hmmm....Facebook...So technology plays an important role...(It sure did, and definitely still does)
To my Parachute: You ROCK!!!!!! And I'm your human angel :)
Monday, February 21, 2011
I used to watch movies and wished upon a dream that I would be proposed by this special man, my hero, my knight in shining armour who had won my heart. Finally, it's happened to me. I would be a fool to say no to you. You have proved yourself to be worthy of my love. You are both the noun and the verb of the word 'love'. May Allah give the best to us and bless us with eternal happiness.
Train: Marry Me Lyrics
Songwriters: Monahan, Pat
Forever can never be long enough for me
Feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now, we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do
Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way
Marry me today and every day
Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will, say you will
Together can never be close enough for me
Feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you
And you're beautiful
Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally shown her my way
Marry me today and every day
Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will, say you will
Promise me you'll always be happy by my side
I promise to sing to you when all the music dies
And marry me today and everyday
Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will, say you will marry me
The past 2 weeks
For the past 2 weeks I've been quite occupied with extra co-curricular activities. All these outside the classroom activities are important to give teachers and students a breather. At least we get to chill, and release a bit of stress. Last week Suhaili, Kak Nani and I went for a course for Girl Guide's teachers. It was like reliving my schooling years as a Girl Guide then. It was quite fun actually, recalling how to do all the knots and what not. It was a time of laughter and fun.
Done with that, we resumed our work with Sports Day preparation. This year I was assigned to help 2 other teachers with Datuk Bahaman marching participants. Our theme for this year is nature ;) Here are some of our beautiful work!
P/S: We came in second this year. No worries, there's always next year.
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