Salam, Hi!, Hola! How are you lovely people doing? It's obvious from my cheery tone that my misery is OVER! I've a lot to share, to say and to show! Huhu, hence the title of the entry. First thing's first, I've submitted those papers. I literally had like 2 to 3 hours of sleep to finish them all. I had to bring the load with me to Perlis so I won't miss the wedding and I could finish my work. I hate working when there's something as important as a wedding going on, especially when it's my family member's wedding or any of my bff's. To top it up my parents just came back from Haj and the first few days relatives flocked our home and I just couldn't concentrate! Finally all is well, and we're only left with the reception on our side happening this Sunday noon. Hopefully everything will turn out well.
Friday, 17 Dec 2010 - the solemnization which took place at Kg. Sg. Berembang, Kuala Perlis. The highlight of the event was when my brother said the sacred line to assume his responsibility as a husband to his wife! Momentous...right after that the fireworks boomed outside to commemorate such an important event. That was awesome, good idea for a wedding! It's like a shout out - SOMEONE'S MARRIED!!!
Saturday, 18 Dec 2010 - the reception on the bride's side. The couple was donned in Gong Xi Fa Cai red outfit. Bold, nonetheless beautiful! - naseb baek abg aku puteh!
Sunday, 19 Dec 2010 - the reception on our side in Perlis. I wore the kurung modern tailored by Yali...lawaaa...
Post Sunday, 26th Dec 2010 wedding
Let me just pick up where I left off. Wedding went well with some minor but still manageable problems. You just need a 'kalut' moment to make the event memorable. Anyhow, what's important is it's done and we had lots of fun. I enjoyed seeing laughter and smiles, long hugs of long lost friends and how families and friends had expanded from twos to threes and many more :) time flies, people grew and children apparently grew the fastest! I love the happy aura that exuded from everyones' faces, and you could only find this at a wedding :)
The wedding was first planned to be Tiffany blue and white. But last minute changes forced us to go with the obviously safe wedding colours; White and Gold. However, due to the initial plan, you would notice touches of blue everywhere. Huhu, but they seemed to blend pretty well so we proceeded confidently. As the event coordinator, the whole wedding was a success! I was very happy because how do you assess a successful wedding? Look around, 1. Good crowd and everyone got a seat, and had their meal(s) 2.People were smiling and laughing 3.Children were also enjoying themselves 4.People still did not leave at 4p.m. and some came at 4.30 because they had other engagements 5.People stayed long and chatted long and took tonnes of pictures 6.People asking about the venue or the bunga telur or THE FOOD (the most important aspect) - you actually do want people to remember what good food they had at your wedding, so do invest on this! Based on the listed criteria Along's wedding scored a BIG, FAT A!!!
- Bride & Groom - their outfit was rented at Hanieym Boutique in PKNS Shah Alam
- Venue - Yayasan Restu, actually a Quran Gallery and museum but they also do weddings, it's a plus point for great photography as well. Lighting is great due to the natural light from the sun, mother nature is the best!
- Wedding Favours - Bahulu Gulung, complete with presentable packaging but we did the ribbons ourself! (Penat)
People got to talking and they were making plans about the next wedding. Hierarchy wise, from both sides of the family, it should be mine. Well, it very well will be mine, or else...hahaha...I don't know. Although I've never categorized myself as being anywhere near pretty, well definitely not ugly, perhaps cute but not pretty like Kak Ngah or Izyan pretty. Nonetheless, to my surprise I'm quite 'marketable'. They say it's because of the package - reasonably good looking plus reasonably good personality plus a teacher. The latter is apparently a plus point. Why? Now why having a teacher as a wife is good.
1. We have ample time - we work from 7.30 to 2.30, at most it stretches to 4/5, but this really depends on school and just how ambitious the school is with their extra curricular activities.
2. We are good with kids - we mingle with students hence theoretically we are supposed to be good with them. But do tell me, who can handle a teenager or a spoiled brat? No one, so this is very subjective
3. We have the skill to earn extra income - home tutoring, tuition centres, marking papers, baking(the talented few), sewing(the talented few), direct selling etc
4. We are either patient and naturally nurturing or a good disciplinarian - either way, it will do your kids good! :)
5. We are doing good deed as a means of earning our living, bekerja sambil berjariah. This will help the husbands to earn some pahala too - insyaAllah ;)
Do marry a teacher. Highly recommended!!!
I'm quite done promoting myself here, so let's put this entry to an end because there's an important football match to catch. I'll be looking forward to many new great things and of course weddingSSSS this 2011. Have a good year ahead people! Happy New Year!!!!!!!!! :))))
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