Let's remember 2010 because very soon it will be over! So here's a remembrance of each month that passed by...
January 2010
Saying hello to 2010 and it was my first year starting school fresh from the beginning of the year. I started off with only 13 periods then and later it became 23...huhu...Important birthdays this month:
- 13 Jan: Abg Khairil (my BIL)
- 19 Jan: Jihan Tan
February 2010
School went by as usual. One of our colleagues was terminally ill and her condition worsened.
My brother got engaged to her quite recent girl friend - about time, Along! Wedding shall proceed tentatively in December of the same year, huhu, before they both turn 30.
March 2010
Our colleague passed away, leaving behind her husband and 4 children between the ages 12-6 year old. It was heart-breaking.
Zahir Zharif bin Khairil Effendi was born on 7th March 2010! My very first nephew and now my sister has a pair. Hope they will have many more cute babies!!! Hehe...
Much needed school break! Yeay!!! Met Nazry after a year plus not seeing him. Really missed my dear best friend, that was a fulfilling 40 minutes. Sorry to catch you at such an odd time. That scenario would be a good McD ad storyline, don't you think? HAHA!
Important birthday:
- 23 Mar: Norbaiti Bakari
- 25 Mar: Nurul Emelda Hakimin
April 2010
School became quite hectic for me with additional classes into my timetable. I got acquainted to 1 Harmoni. Fun bunch of kids they were.
I was called for SPP interview - that was nerve wrecking but I did okay, Alhamdulillah...
Attended my first Girl Guide's camping as a teacher. Got an opportunity to entertain Tengku Puan Pahang for tea at our campsite. I honestly felt seriously 'comot' near her. She was like Snow White!
Birthday of the month:
- 23 April: Intan Syuhada
May 2010
Mid year examination would soon come. More work, and marking as well. PMR students, get busy!!! More programmes for PMR and SPM students.My first ever cave exploration adventure at Mount Senyum. That was an amazing experience and interest discovery - didn't know cave exploring could be so much fun! Next cave? Where shall we go? Niah?
All set for the next mid-sem break!!! Just can't wait!
- Maryam's married!!!
- Shaela's engagement, wedding tentatively will be in 2011
June 2010
School's out for 2 weeks, yeay!!!
1st June - Nursyahida Mazalan
2nd June - Along
3rd June - Junainah
5th June - ADIBAH ku sayang...
6th June - Sabariah Roslaini Firman
9th June - Shaza!!! ;)
July 2010
Busy, busy, busy, doing lots for my first ever school trip to Parlimen Malaysia and UiTM, bringing 2 buses load of Form 6 students.
My first year working anniversary ;)
11th July - Alia (my sister)
August 2010
It's already the 8th month of the year, how time flew!
My second Ramadhan in Chenor and was excited for Raya with a new member of the family; Zahir Zharif ;)
PMR Trials coming very soon..
Birthday to remember:
5th Aug - MAMAku...Tamsiah Shuib
8th Aug - Camelia Hani :)
22nd Aug - FARIDAH!!! ;)
September 2010
Looking forward to Raya because it's family time and of course I love my family ;)
Threw my annual Raya open house, and attendance was very good...
Emelda was there, Nadira came too, Jun arrived later and Nazry did make it - thanks a lot for coming. It was a pleasure having all of you at my place.
Birthday to remember:
17th Sept - Kak Ngah's birthday
20th Sept - Bapak's birthday
25th Sept - Shaela's birthday
October 2010
Looking forward to my 25th birthday and didn't expect it to be that memorable. Yikes! My car was hit from behind by a lorry on my birthday and the same day my parents left for Hajj...nothing beats that on one's birthday, right? Just so relieved that both me and my house mate were fine, Alhamdulillah...
We still had cake with my dented car...huhuhu
PMR went by and I was crossing my fingers in hopes that my students would do well, after all we've been through kids!
Birthdays to remember:
4th Oct - Nadira dearie!
7th Oct - Asma (my youngest sister)
November 2010
School term was coming to an end. So much left to do, I was literally struggling to finish all my work before the school year end break. Seriously looking forward to that! I NEED A BREAK!!!
School was almost ending when we were shocked by a news, a very controversial news...sigh...sad...
SPM and STPM students all geared up for their exam!!! Chaiyok!
Wedding bells - Kak Syida's and Kak Ada's (both of them were my house mates)
December 2010
Had to babysit SPM & STPM candidates, urgh! i miss out on a few things because of work-related stuffs - the things you sacrifice...I missed Tok Teh's birthday celebration on Dec 1st and Fad's surprise party on Dec 4th. I also had my first ever bridal shower experience for Shaela at The Ascott Kuala Lumpur. Huhu...
Super crazy month with marking, parents returning from Hajj, brother's wedding. So hectic, sleepless nights and my sweat and blood went into every detail of all of the above. AS a result - I was down with mild fever but ferocious runny nose and headache! Yikes!
After all the craziness I now heave a sigh of relief while celebrating Malaysia's victory for the Suzuki AFF Cup Finals.
One more thing: Maryam has given birth to a beautiful baby boy! Alhamdulillah...
School meeting, how dreadful, was on the 29th. More responsibilities to shoulder, with the Principal labeling me as 'cikgu 2 alam' teaching 2nd,3rd,5th formers and 6th too!
School shall begin 3rd January 2011. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Oh, yeah...please be prepared for traffic jam this coming Monday. And I will leave for Pahang on 2nd January 2011...TATA home, you will be greatly missed...
1st December: TOK TEH!
4th December: Fadilla Karim
Things to look forward to next year:
- Shaela's BIG DAY
- Sabariah's E-Day
- Faridah's BIG DAY
- NYC Trip with Ms. Dilla Karim
- Shafik & Yuhainis junior??? InsyaAllah...
p/s: The details might not be accurate as I wrote them as I remember. Sorry for any mistakes...what's most important is...they happened!!! Writing all these made me realise how quickly time flies and do cherish each moment in your life because those moments that passed will never come by again. Take care, loves...XOXO