It's Sab's engagement to her boyfriend, and now fiancé, Adham :) We were there to see her considering, thinking and finally choosing Adham. We were there to see the Coach handbag he gave her as a New Year's present - who does that, right? We saw how their love grew and finally now it's their E-day. Wedding InsyaAllah shall happen sometime in September. Jodoh, that's what it is. When it happens, it sweeps you off your feet, just like my colleague said, "Bila dah jodoh, nak sarung selipar pun tak sempat!" Huhu~ Plans suddenly change and you just have no time to digest everything. Breathe Aida, breathe...
Here are some snippets of her pre-BIG DAY. My most heartfelt congratulations to Sabariah, Adham and both families. May your jodoh stay strong and can't wait for your BIG DAY ;)
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