mimpi adalah kunci
untuk kita menaklukkan dunia
berlarilah tanpa lelah
sampai engkau meraihnya
laskar pelangi takkan terikat waktu
bebaskan mimpimu di angkasa
warna bintang di jiwa
menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
cinta kita di dunia selamanya
cinta kepada hidup
memberikan senyuman abadi
walau hidup kadang tak adil
tapi cinta lengkapi kita
laskar pelangi takkan terikat waktu
jangan berhenti mewarnai
jutaan mimpi di bumi
repeat reff [2x]
laskar pelangi takkan terikat waktu
I watched this Indonesian movie yesterday and was deeply moved by it. The reason why I include this piece in my teaching blog is because of the theme of the story which it was based on. Laskar Pelangi is a story about how two teachers struggled to keep a school running with only 10 students in the school. The narrator tells his story and experience with 9 other friends on his visit back to his hometown after years leaving the place to further his studies. Apparently he is the writer of this novel turned movie. Back to the story, it really touched my heart to see how these under privilege kids strive for their education despite the hardships they endure. The teachers too, never give up on them or the condition of the school. Fyi, the school was in such an appalling state it looks like it can collapse anytime. I will always remember what the headmaster always says, "Give as much as you can, not take as much as you can". It shows how genuine his heart is in dedicating his life for his school and the kids. Sometimes I think about what I have gone through in life and how disappointed I've been but then again looking at those kids make me realise that there are so many things I should be grateful for and happy about. "Menarilah dan terus tertawa walau hidup tak seindah syurga, bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa". It was an eye-opener and it's kind of movie you want to watch so that you will be reminded of how carefree kids are and how we have lost that innocence while we're busy growing up. We always get caught up in a rut and we forget to live and give and even smile for what we have. My credits to the author and I really salute him for what he has survived, not many people can achieve that.